Moreland Gibbs

  • Total activity 7
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Recent activity by Moreland Gibbs Recent activity Votes
  • Using Geneious Prime together with Geneious Biologics

    Please reach out to us if you are a Geneious Biologics customer and would like to use SSO to log into Geneious Cloud. It is possible to synchronise Geneious Biologics and Geneious Prime, allowing y...

  • Supported file types for Import/Export

    Importing Sequences Common sequence formats supported: .ab1 .fastq .gb (GenBank) .fasta .geneious If you are importing large numbers of individual sequence files (eg. more than 100 MB), we rec...

  • Moving Files

    To move files between folders, select the file(s) you would like to move, then click the Move button at the top of the document table and select the destination folder. The below video includes a d...

  • Accessing Geneious Biologics

    Biomatters staff will create one administrator account for your organization. Please ask your administrator for access and he/she can create new users and accounts for your organization without any...

  • Administrator and Non-Administrator Accounts

    Users with administrator accounts can perform the following actions: Create user accounts Resend user account invites Deactivate users and transfer files over if necessary Create and manage user ...

  • How to Reset your Password

    If you have forgotten your password you can reset it via the Forgot Password? link on the login screen. You can also use this screen to set a password for your account if you haven't set one yet. E...

  • Supported Browsers

    Google Chrome is the browser we test with and officially support. We suggest you use the latest version of Chrome so you will always get the best experience. Some of our users also use Microsoft Ed...